Saturday, September 8, 2007

Lactose Intolerance

I am proud of my lactose intolerance. You talk to anyone who knows Teddy for more than 5 minutes and they know I am lactose. I try to work it into any conversation I have, so that the first or second thing a person finds out about me is that I am lactose. Is this a good thing? Well, I guess it depends on your view. I think it is a great. People laugh. They think it is funny. I will be at a dinner with 12 people and I will ask for no cheese on my hamburger and they will all laugh because they know I am terribly lactose. The great thing is that I will often hear someone from across the table yell, "I am lactose to!" This is what excites me. Should lactose be a bad thing? Absolutely not. It is a great thing I think. It makes people laugh. I love macaroni and cheese. I love cinnamon toast crunch with milk. I love fettucini alfredo. But, in the end, I am lactose and people respect a man or woman who can stand up and say that without shame. I would love to scarf down a whole cheesecake, but it takes discipline not to, and I love the fact that I am disciplined. I am lactose and proud. Hope some of you are too.

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